Corinna Vinschen <corinna-cygwin <at>> writes:

> You should nevertheless use /dev/com4 or /dev/ttyS3.  I might be wrong
> but it still looks like you don't quite see what Brian was up to.
> Corinna

Hmm...I think I see what you're getting at.  I'm (obviously) not really all that
knowledgeable of serial ports under Cygwin.  I was quite shocked actually that I
could just open "COM4" and write to it and it seemed to work OK.... I open "COM4" from cygwin, cygwin thinks I'm really just opening
some disk file..and probably all I can do is read/write..and perhaps even that
might not be totally reliable.  If I use /dev/com4 (or /dev/ttyS3), then the
underlying software understands that I am actually opening a serial port, and
all of the things like baud rate, parity, start, stop bits..etc..can all be
configured correctly...and there is probably a lot more testing that goes into
making sure /dev/com4 works properly.

Thanks to Brian for bringing it up, and thanks to you for the clarification.  I
was missing the point that COM4 is NOT the right way to access serial port #4
under cygwin.  It's easy enough to change...


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