It's still hanging in a multimedia timer call, which is "interesting".

The latest snapshot comments out the part of the code which sets the
timer resolution, on the off chance that setting it to 1ms is what is
causing the problem.

It's a long shot but please try out the latest snapshot.

Testing will happen soon ...

Took a little longer, not to reproduce but to send, this time:

Have you ever mentioned what kind of system this is, btw?  Is it hyperthreaded,
SMP, what clock speed, how much memory...?

It is a system with 1.8GHz, no hyperthreading, no smp, 512Mb.

The only abnormal thing we could find is that it is running in
a Terminal Service session.

On *that* system it is pretty easy to reproduce the hang. It hangs
when you move another window over the one that is currently building
OOo. The "build window" is a cygwin bash prompt started with cygwin.bat.

I just asked in the OOo development ml who else can reproduce the problem.


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