> Hello to all, i installed cygwin version 2.457.2.2 in a windows xp, i install

That is *not* the version of Cygwin, that is just the version of the
installer, and it tells us nothing useful.  Cygwin is a collection of
many packages and they each have a version number.  This is why we ask
for output of "cygcheck -svr" when reporting problems, which you did not

> I create a very simple test, (but happens too with any sample code i can 
> find),
> the sample contain tree files, SimpleTest.h , SimpleTest.cpp, and run.cpp,
> i compile this files to exe files with the next command:

You haven't given enough information.  Without the source to this
testcase (or perhaps a stack trace with debugging info) the best anyone
could say would be "you're doing something wrong."


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