Using d2u on the text file worked as you indicated.  My assertion that
the -f option worked as I expected in a previous version was not true in
that respect.  I probably used a DOS-style editor on the file at some
point and that exposed the problem that I described.

My general impression is that most other text processing in Cygwin
gracefully handles the differences in DOS/UNIX file formats; I agree
with you about the pattern file being opened in text mode.

Thanks for your help!


On Thu, 17 Nov 2005, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:

> On Thu, 17 Nov 2005, Chris Milam wrote:
> > In the latest release of grep (2.5.1a-2), I believe that the -f
> > (read expressions from a file) is no longer working.
> > [snip manpage quote]
> > However, it appears that no match of any input is ever found for any

> > set of strings in the file specified by -f.  This functionality was 
> > working in an earlier release (I regret to say that I cannot
> > the last time it was working but it was a release within the last
year, I think).
> I was only able to reproduce this behavior if the script had DOS line
endings on a binmode mount (which you have).  Run the script through d2u
and try again.
> It's arguably a bug in grep that the pattern file should be opened in
text mode.
>       Igor

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