>  Ok, that's interesting.  What does it show at the end of /var/log/setup.log?
>And what happens if you run a shell and execute "bash -x
>[  Note that in order for that test to work, you first need to edit
>/etc/postinstall/update-info-dir.sh, and remove the redirections so instead of
>done >/dev/null 2>&1
>it just says "done".  ]
>    cheers,
>      DaveK
>Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

Executing the command it just hangs as well.

But I've solved the problem DISABLING the HIPERTHREAD FEATURE in the BIOS.

Intel says it's a program "incompatibility"... but interestingly
there's a patch
(http://developer.intel.com/design/motherbd/genbios.htm) for the BIOS
(and not the program :) to solve the problem... I'll do that later.

Thanks for the answers, and I hope it helps somebody else.

Silvio Bandeira

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