H. S. wrote:
I am trying to have sshd running on my Windows XP box. I have Zone Alarm
installed, ver. 6.0.667.
I configured sshd with:
$> ssh-host-config
and started as a service:
$> cygrunsrv -S sshd
which promptly made Zone Alarm to ask if sshd should be allowed internet
access. I allowed it's client as well as server access. And it worked
from my other LAN PCs.
But then I noticed that after I rebooted the Windows XP box, I could no
longer ssh to it from another computer even though the sshd service was
running. Zone Alarm was blocking it. I had restart sshd service to make
Zone Alarm ware to allow access to/from it.
A little google search resulted in making Zone Alarm service a
dependency of sshd. So:
1. I removed sshd service using "cygrunsrv -R sshd"
2. I installed it again by making Zone Alarm service as it's dependency:
$> cygrunsrv -I sshd -p /usr/sbin/sshd -f "Cygwin SSH Demon" -y
The problem was that ... er ... zlclient is not a service at all, or so
it seems to me (since "tasklist /svc" in a command prompt listed it, it
first looked as service to me).
So I stopped the service:
$ cygrunsrv -E sshd
then removed it
$ cygrunsrv -R sshd
and then this command solved the problem (there was another problem of
CYGWIN env. too but I didn't know about it earlier):
$ cygrunsrv -I sshd -p /usr/sbin/sshd -f "Cygwin SSH Demon" -a'-D' -e
'CYGWIN=binmode ntsec tty' -y tcpip -y vsmon
After giving this command, I restarted the service
$ cygrunsrv -S sshd
and rebooted. I was then able to log in to the XP box just after booting
(without loggin as any user).
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