> I found this thread in the mailing list archives
> http://www.cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2005-09/threads.html#00901
> which is the exact same problem I am having but the thread seemed to die
> off with no resolution.  Does anyone know what the resolution was, if one
> was reached, or what information should I supply, I have webspace I can
> put fairly large files on if needed.
> The gist of the problem is that setup.exe fails with the message in the
> subject when changing an existing install or after wiping out the existing
> install and trying to set up a new install.

I checked permissions in the registry and somehow I had lost permission to
change "Cygnus Software" in the HKCU tree.  I changed the permissions back
and deleted the key that was there and now the install works again.


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