>   bash: /usr/bin/gcc: No such file or directory
> Of course the file is actually in /usr/bin, so the "no such file or 
> directory" error is puzzling.  If I run "i686-pc-cygwin-gcc-3.4.4", the 
> compiler runs successfully.  I've run 'diff' on gcc.exe and 
> i686-pc-cygwin-gcc-3.4.4.exe, and they're exactly the same file.  I've tried 
> deleting gcc.exe and copying the i686 version to it with exactly the same 
> result: the short name is not found, and the long name works.

What does "type gcc" report?

I notice that your PATH setting in cygcheck has some strange things at
the end, like a directory of just "Z" and ".\" three times.  Is there a
chance that there is some kind of improper string at the end?


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