On Wed, Dec 07, 2005 at 10:24:35PM +0000, Thorsten Kampe wrote:
>* Christopher Faylor (2005-12-07 19:59 +0100)
>> On Wed, Dec 07, 2005 at 07:42:27PM +0000, Thorsten Kampe wrote:
>>>* Denis Washington (2005-12-07 19:10 +0100)
>>>> My big question now is: who will i have to talk about the logo? I'd like
>>>> to propose it as new Cygwin logo.
>>>Probably to Cristopher 'the man' Faylor or Corinna 'the woman'
>>>Vinschen (see http://cygwin.com/faq/faq.html#faq.what.who)
>> ...Both of whom read the mailing list and don't require any personal
>> pinging about this.
>My reply was targeted to the one who posed the question.

You implied that the OP had to talk to us personally, resulting in
personal email to me.  I was setting the record straight.  No personal
email is required, especially at this point.

>>There has been one (1) reply to this message from someone who said that
>>they liked it.  I don't think that it yet has a ringing endorsement
>>from the community so I think it is premature for Corinna or me to get
>Well, actually there are two now (fergus and my humble entity).

Yes, the second vote was a reply to my message.


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