> filename. Is there a way to
> > know which dll is loaded in memory and which
> filename or program it is
> > loaded from ?
> Yes, you could try using ProcessExplorer or some
> other tools (e.g.,
> "handle") from SysInternals.com (ProcessExplorer can
> give you a list of
> all loaded DLLs, for example).  However, I don't
> think they will let you
> search by the shared memory region name...

I found the cygwin1.dll in a process called
'services.exe'. Seemed that I was not able to kill it
at first. I took a look in the window directory
processExplorer was pointing, and found nothing. After
a while I was able to kill it and another services.exe
launch right after, this one from
C:\WINDOWS\system32\services.exe, and without the
cygwin1.dll. I am now able to launch bash properly.

Worm ?

> Have you rebooted since you've uninstalled all of
> those programs?  A
> program still running with the old DLL will cause
> your error message to be
> produced, even if the uninstall succeeded.

Sure I had :)
> This looks suspicious:
> > HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions
> > HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin
> > HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus
> Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2
> Solutions\Cygwin
> Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2
> Solutions\Cygwin\Program Options
> (you seem to be missing all your mounts).  So does
> this:
> > Cygwin Package Information
> > No setup information found
> > Use -h to see help about each section
> Do you have the /etc/setup directory in your Cygwin
> installation?

/etc/setup does exist and contains some files.
Actually cygcheck is depending on cygwin1.dll I guess,
so ...

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