I'm sorry Larry Hall
        I have some problem with English .
        My ploblem is I could install the Cygwin . 
        When I was installing it I set  "Use IE5 Setting" up.
        But after the installation for example I want use the links with
the command in the Xterm :
$links www.google.com.br 
        The links return for me :
The page cannot be displayed
"       There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach
"And it cannot be displayed .
"       ---------------------------------------------------------
"Please ...
"403 Forbidden - The ISA Server denies the specified Uniform 
"Resource Locator <URL>. <12202>
"Internet Security and Acceration Server 
        I want to configure the Cygwin for access the internet but I
don't know how I can to make this .
        I try to find out something in the Cygwin's documentation and
the www.google.com but I could find out nothing . I guess to reach help
in this mailing list .
        Alexandre Pereira

Larry Hall wrote :
You'd be better off stating the problem that you're having directly than
hinting at it.  I can say that if >>you've set up a proxy on Windows for
the likes of IE, then you will likely want to use the IE settings option
in 'setup.exe' (available at www.cygwin.com) to install all the Cygwin
packages you want.  Beyond that, you may need to configure certain apps
that require Internet access similarly.  You can see the documentation
(man, info, /usr/share/doc[/Cygwin]) of specific apps you're interested
in to learn how to set them up.  Overall, it should be no different than
setting them up with Slackware in the same network environment.

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