Buzz schrieb:
Op Wed, 21 Dec 2005 20:54:12 +0100 schreef Holger Krull
in <43A9B2E4.5080908<at>>:
:  Bas van Gompel schrieb:
: > What do you mean when you write: ``strange quoting''?
: >
:  Most likely he means your use of two single qoutes ' instead of one double ".

To not get confused with (C- or shell-)string literals, I prefer to
use ``blah''. (info uses `blah', and here is an (arbitrary?) quote from

I suspect you are reading your emails with a variable sized font?
Try a fixed size one a you may see that your way of qouting realy looks strange and makes reading harder. The additional information provided by your qouting method does not outweigh this, in my opinion. Maybe use the „german” way of qouting?

But i believe folks will call this OT now.

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