Op Fri, 23 Dec 2005 17:07:05 -0500 schreef Christopher Faylor
in <20051223220705.GA28617<at>trixie.casa.cgf.cx>:
:  On Fri, Dec 23, 2005 at 10:46:04PM +0100, Bas van Gompel wrote:
: > Op Wed, 21 Dec 2005 11:22:49 -0500 schreef Christopher Faylor
: > in <20051221162249.GA9890<at>trixie.casa.cgf.cx>:

: > Testing a self-built dll from a CVS-checkout on December 23rd.

Rebuilt on the 24rd (GMT+1).

:  http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2005-12/msg00923.html

And (of course) you fixed it. Great, Many thanks (not just for this

*Best* *Cygwin* *Ever*.


Buzz [not B20].
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--  \--| /--- /---  .sigfile. |   |perl -pe "s.u(z)\1.as."    | me. 4^re

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