Hi all.  I've been fighting this for some time now, and I can't find a
solid fix to make this work.  I'm running Cygwin under Windows 2000, and
I'm trying to setup ssh using key authentication.  The auth part works
fine, but when I try to run commands that require rights inside Windows,
it fails (like iisreset).  I've discovered that I need to have sshd run
as another user, like Administrator or something, so I did that by
changing who the service runs as and setting file permissions and
ownerships accordingly, and that fixed the problem for the Administrator
account. But, when another user tries to login, it disconnects right
away.  In the event log, I see "setreuid 1014: Permission denied.".
I've found the fix for Windows 2003, which involves granting the user
the service runs as the "Change a process-level token" permission, but
that does not exist under Windows 2000.  I can't find a fix for this for
2000.  Is there such a thing?  Does anyone have any ideas that could
help me out?


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