> >CMD.EXE still issues an actual beep (PC-beeper-beep) when I type
> >
> >  echo ^G   (literal control g)
> >
> >(This is using CMD's built-in echo).
> >
> >bash and tcsh now emit a "ding" instead, for the same command (using 
> >shell builtins).
> >
> >(I guess I'm wondering if this is to be the expected 
> behavior from now 
> >on; is there any way now to get bash and tcsh to emit a real beep?)
> This is the way it was has been intended to work for almost two years:
> http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-patches/2003-q1/threads.html#00203
> cgf

I must have missed something - did "MessageBeep(-1)" never get put in?  Or
did it stop working?  MSDN still documents it as working even without a
sound card.

Gary R. Van Sickle

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