Dave Korn wrote:
> Marcus Williams wrote:
>> On 10/01/2006 Dave Korn wrote:
>>>   You need libxml2-devel for that file (enter 'libxml2.dll' at
>>> http://cygwin.com/packages).  It should have been automatically selected
>>> when you selected libxml2, but there may be a missing dependency.
>> Nope - still got the same problem. I tried installing everything this
>> time (setting All to "All @ Install")
>   Whoops!  You're right, what I saw in there was only the export library
> libxml2.dll.a.
>   This must be a real packaging error.  Looks like the maintainer might
> have compiled libxml2-devel with "--disable-shared" and then compiled
> xmlcatalog with "--enable-shared".
>   Your quickest workround would probably be either rebuilding xmlcatalog
> from source, giving it the "--disable-shared" option at configure time so
> it builds and links against the static libxml2.a, or to rebuild the
> libxml2-devel package from source (default options this time) so as to
> generate your own copy of libxml2.dll.

  Nope, that's not it.  I think I /have/ traced it now: it's a packaging error
in libxml2 package itself.  It contains the dll, but the maintainer forgot to
package it with the correct prefix.  You might be able to fix the problem by a

mv /bin/cygxml2-2.dll /bin/libxml2.dll

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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