Christopher Faylor wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 19, 2006 at 08:53:26PM -0800, Joshua Daniel Franklin wrote:
>>>  . The FAQ info describing how to run the tests is wrong.  It worked for
>>>    me when I ran "make check" in the i686-pc-cygwin/winsup subdirectory of
>>>    my build directory.
>>OK, I'll fix that.
> Before we do that can we please find out WHAT is actually wrong?  There
> is no description of the problem beyond the above.  I run the testsuite
> several times a day by cd'ing to winsup/testsuite so I know that works.
> Lets not make changes that may only be a cockpit error from one user and,
> especially lets not document actual bugs.

Fair enough.  My setup is as follows:
Directory cygbuild (in my home dir).
cygbuild/src checked out of CVS as per the FAQ.
I chose to make my build directory at the same level as src,
rather than a subdirectory of it.  [The FAQ just says build
must not be the same as src, though the example does have it
as a subdirectory.]  So for my build  I did:
  cd cygbuild/build
  mkdir /install
  (../src/configure --prefix=/install -v; make)

If I cd to src/winsup/testsuite and do "make check", I get:

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/cygbuild/src/winsup/testsuite
  $ make check
  make: *** No rule to make target `check'.  Stop.

which is hardly surprising, as there is no Makefile there:

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/cygbuild/src/winsup/testsuite
  $ ls
  CVS  ChangeLog  README  config  configure  cygload 
 cygrun.c  libltp  winsup.api

So that seems to be the problem.  Should there have been a Makefile in CVS, 
configure have made one, or is the FAQ wrong?  I'm afraid I don't know enough
detail about the way the Cygwin build is set up to answer this myself, but I 
it was a little rash of me to assume it was the FAQ in error.

I suppose having build parallel to src rather than a subdirectory could have a
bearing - in which case the FAQ should say that build *has* to be immediately
under src.  Or even possibly that when I ran configure I didn't have dejagnu
or cocom installed.

-- Cliff

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