> I have just installed cygwin-1.5.19-4. A pipe like gzip ?cd | tar ?xf
> ? is very slow. Gzip and tar alone are working reasonable. Ok this can
> be avoided ;-)
> But than I tried g++, and again it takes ages before a simple file is
> compiled. All Virus Checking tools are off. What am I doing wrong?

I too have seen slowness, which I've previously reported on this
list, but have not narrowed down.

I have found that installing and using the tcsh shell helps allot,
althought this isn't a long-term solution.  I'd be curious if you ran
under tcsh if you could reproduce what I've seen, better performance
than the bash shell.  You'd need to install tcsh and also make sure it
is a login shell, so it doesn't inherit from the bash shell.

A previous posting indicated that the call to stat took an abnormally
long time to complete.  Since then I noticed lines like 'if [ ! -d
"${HOME}" ]; then', which presumably call stat, in /etc/profile which
may contribute to the slow starting of the bash shell and sub-shells?!?!

Brett C. Serkez, Techie

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