>>>>> Sam Steingold writes:

    >> * Dr. Volker Zell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-01-25 11:12:55 +0100]:
    >>>>>>> Sam Steingold writes:
    >> > ANSI Common Lisp is a high-level, general-purpose programming language.
    >> > GNU CLISP is a Common Lisp implementation by Bruno Haible of Karlsruhe
    >> o Packaging bug: /usr/share/doc/clisp-2.38/Cygwin should be
    >> /usr/share/doc/Cygwin

    > what do you mean?
    > there are many files in /usr/share/doc/clisp-2.38 and only one in
    > /usr/share/doc/clisp-2.38/Cygwin/.

The whole directory /usr/share/doc/clisp-2.38/Cygwin/ should be moved to
/usr/share/doc/Cygwin/. Check any other package.

    >> o In your clisp-2.38.README you have the following configure option
    >> --with-libpq-prefix=c:/progra~1/postgresql/8.0 
    >> which looks suspicious.

    > there is no --with-module=postgresql, so this won't hurt.


    >> o There is NO requires line in setup.ini at least at the following
    >> download side: http://mirrors.kernel.org
    >> whereas the clisp executables depend on various dlls.

    > setup.hint contains this:
    > requires:crypt cygwin libdb4.3 libiconv2 libintl3 libncurses8 libpcre0 
libreadline6 zlib

But the GENERATED file on the mirrors doesn't include a requires line.

    > Since I am changing jobs and will no longer have access to woe32
    > machines and thus cygwin, I will not be able to offer clisp cygwin
    > packages on a timely basis.  Would you like to step in?

Sorry. no


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