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According to Morten Kjarulff on 1/26/2006 4:20 AM:
> I tried to google it, and it seems that the limit is is MAXPATHLEN. It also
> seems that MAXPATHLEN is smaller under cygwin than under other systems.
> Is this true?

Almost.  The name is PATH_MAX, not MAXPATHLEN.

> What is the limit?

Look in /usr/include/limits.h.  260 (although a few Windows calls are even
more restrictive, such as directory names have a max of 248 or so in order
to allow an 8.3 filename within the directory).

> Is there a way that I can come around it (other than renaming my files ;-)?

Not on Windows 9x machines - it is a fundamental limitation of the ASCII
Windows system calls.  And even on Windows NT machines, it would be a
MAJOR patch to cygwin to use the Unicode Windows system calls (where your
limit increases to 32k, but it is still a limit); read the list archives,
this topic has come up before.

- --
Life is short - so eat dessert first!

Eric Blake             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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