> I have installed Cygwin. I want to invoke a shell
 > > script from the DOS/Windows command prompt (instead of opening
 > > Cygwin Window first and calling it from there). How can I do this?
 > >
 > > Thanks for any help.
 > The following seems the naive way -- someone else may offer other
 > options:
 > Make the shell (itself) the command and add the script as a
 > parameter...
 >       bash script-file-name
 > Worked for me.  Other command processors should work too.

I name all of my bash scripts with a .sh extension, althought not
necessary from Cygwin's point of view, it allows me to associate .sh
files with c:\cygwin\bin\bash in Windows.  I then customize the icon for
this association with the Cygwin icon, and these files then show up with
this icon in Explorer and I can simply double click to run.

Brett C. Serkez, Techie

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