
I finally managed to compile CGDB with readline-5.1 statically. I
compiled against a version of readline that has multibyte turned on, and
a version with it turned off.

In both cases I have the same results. CGDB is displayed awkardly in the
curses window. I have finally discovered that this appears to be a
LINES/COLS bug. If I connect via putty into the windows machine, and set
the putty window to be 25/80 LINES/COLUMNS, then all works. Otherwise,
the terminal is the wrong size.

I'm convinced the problem is the call into readline. Is it possible
there were any changes to readline that would effect this? I'm sure
other curses apps will notice this problem, so it would be nice to fix
it before the next readline minor release.

I'm still working on it ...

Bob Rossi

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