Igor Peshansky wrote:
"perldoc -f chmod".
Yes, but it does not know the +x syntax.
Not that particular syntax (hey, you can always 'system("chmod +x $f")'),
but it does allow Fcntl constants (e.g., 'chmod
S_IRWXU|S_IRGRP|S_IXGRP|S_IROTH|S_IXOTH $f' -- still from the above
perldoc page), and it uses the same octal mode values as the command-line
chmod (see "man chmod"). If you want to add the executable bits for
everyone, something like 'chmod 0111|((stat $f)[2]&07777), $f' should
None of this is Cygwin-specific.
Thanks, this is very useful for me in this context (and other times too
I guess).
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