[Informal post. I'm not a developer. Is this a fair test, does it have any 

We have a test box (Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition), w/10GB RAM (PAE 
Trying to stress the limits of cygwin 1.5.19 or the OS, I ran this test
from a bash session:

  # preliminary step: load private key, so "ssh localhost date" works w/o 
    eval $(ssh-agent); ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa 

  # ******************************************************************** 
  # the stress test:
  #   (able to go to 80 ssh sessions; suggest you try just 15 or so 1st)
  # ******************************************************************** 

    for ((i=1;$i <=15;i += 1))
    do echo $i:
      ssh localhost /bin/sleep 600 >/dev/null 2>&1 &
      sleep 3

    man bash
     # tap "G", to go to end, then quit, repeat this 3 more times

  # -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  # to kill all ssh sessions and sleeps:
  # -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   # note that "|" below is a "regexp 'or'":
     pgrep -f 'ssh localhost /bin/sleep 600|/bin/sleep 600' # just a listing
     pkill -SIGKILL -f 'ssh localhost /bin/sleep 600|/bin/sleep 600'


  If I eliminate the "sleep 3", problems start after 15 or so parallel ssh 
sessions - 
  some of the new ssh jobs die immediately.  Later if I run "man bash" 4 times
  in a row, in the bash session that ran the "for loop", I get fork errors at 
least once.

  By adding the "sleep 3", I do not get the fork errors - any idea
  why? I was able to get 80 sessions at once (task manager shown ~300
  processes), "jobs" shows 80 ssh sessions, and "man bash" ran just fine.

  In all cases, after the "man bash" the ssh sessions end up getting STOPPED, ie
  suspended, as shown by "jobs" command in bash - any way to prevent that? ( is 
  probably an OT UNIX question? )

I was able to get 80 ssh sessions, running at once, and was still able
to run "man bash" w/o any fork error. I suspect I could have gone
further. Can't remember if I did the test at the console, but I did have
an RDP session available, thinking that I could at least reboot through
terminal services if ssh became unusable.

How might I run a test to deliberately use up the 48MB heap?  I thought perhaps,
that enough multiple ssh sessions would do so.  

Here's the slightly adjusted heap setting on the server:

  bash-3.00$   ccs=/proc/registry/HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet
  bash-3.00$   key="$ccs/Control/Session Manager/SubSystems/Windows"
  bash-3.00$   perl -lne 'print $1 if m{ (Shar.*?) }' "$key"


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