On 20 February 2006 23:04, Joe Smith wrote:

> "Igor Peshansky" wrote:
>> True, except cygstart won't do unconditional 'www*'->'http://www*'
>> translation if a file with that name exists (e.g., try "touch
>> www.cygwin.com && cygstart www.cygwin.com").
>> Igor
> Cmd's 'start' command is exactly the same in this respect.
> I'm betting that the 'run' applet of windows is also the same, although it
> is hard to know what the cwd of that applet would be.

  Documents And Settings\<LoggedInUserName>.

  Just enter 'cmd' into the run box and see what dir you start in!

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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