On Tue, Mar 14, 2006 at 07:32:09PM -0000, Dave Korn wrote:
>On 14 March 2006 19:19, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>On Tue, Mar 14, 2006 at 06:59:28PM +0000, Pedro Inacio wrote:
>>>Hello again,
>>>as promised attached you will find a very simplistic non-blocking echo
>>>server that compiles on Linux and Cygwin.  The main objective is that
>>>you compile it and run on both environments.  Of course that the same
>>>hardware is recommended in order to compare the results in a more
>>>accurate way.
>>>After compile and run it, on a different machine you do something like:
>>>$ time cat big_file | nc ?w 1 echo_server_ip_address port > dest_file
>>Please provide the *exact* command you used to run this.  You don't
>>have to provide the "big_file" but the above command contains a garbage
>>character which can't be what you actually typed.
>This is a charset-encoding-vs-mime issue.  It came out as a visible
>hyphen in my mailer.
>Actually, since the OP was posting from a Mac, maybe it's a codepage

I know that the above is likely to be a dash.  The point I was trying to
make was that if you provide a test case you should provide, as much as
possible, the exact command needed to duplicate the problem.  Having to
guess about "echo_server_ip_address" and "port" and if that is actually
a dash in front of the 'w', is just putting barriers in front of anyone
who is trying to debug the problem.


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