On Sun, Mar 19, 2006 at 09:28:43PM -0500, D.Pageau wrote:
>I have an issue with lrzsz-0.12.20.tar.gz compiled on cygwin 1.5.19-4
>where lrx never timeout when xmodem error occured (hangs forever).
>It look related to what Michael as reported.  I have compiled test.c
>from Michael:  Same result where second signal is not delivered.  So I
>have checkout cygwin from cvs and build cygwin1.dll 1.5.20(0.155/4/2)
>wich solved Michael issue but infortunatly lrzsz still hangs.
>It look like read() should exit on SIGALRM but it's not the case.
> signal(SIGALRM, zreadline_alarm_handler);
> alarm(n);
>else if (Verbose > 5)
> vstringf("Calling read: Readnum=%d ",readline_readnum);
>readline_left=read(readline_fd, readline_ptr, readline_readnum);
>lrzsz available here:

If you have a simple test case which illustrates the problem, we'll
certainly investigate.  Otherwise, I doubt that anyone is going to debug
lzrz for you.


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