Just to back this up, we cant get basic rsync to run reliably
using cygwin either. The command being tested is run from a
FreeBSD box with the source being a cygwin box using cygwin
rsync -av cygwin1:/testdir/ /testdir/

The result is it will randomly hang on a file, no output / error
returned just stops.

Tests to the same machine using sfu work fine.

[cygcheck -c]
cygcheck.exe -c Cygwin Package Information
Package                 Version            Status
_update-info-dir        00384-1            OK
alternatives            1.3.20a-2          OK
apache                  1.3.33-2           Incomplete
ash                     20040127-3         OK
atk                     1.9.1-1            OK
atk-runtime             1.9.1-1            OK
autoconf                2.59-2             OK
autoconf-devel          2.59-2             OK
autoconf-stable         2.13-6             OK
autoconf2.1             2.13-1             OK
autoconf2.5             2.59-2             OK
automake                1.7.9-2            OK
automake-devel          1.9.2-2            OK
automake-stable         1.4p6-3            OK
automake1.4             1.4p6-2            OK
automake1.9             1.9.6-1            OK
base-files              3.7-1              OK
base-passwd             2.2-1              OK
bash                    3.0-14             OK
bash-completion         20060301-1         OK
binutils                20050610-1         OK
bzip2                   1.0.3-1            OK
coreutils               5.94-1             OK
cpio                    2.6-5              OK
crypt                   1.1-1              OK
cygrunsrv               1.13-1             OK
cygutils                1.2.10-1           OK
cygwin                  1.5.19-4           OK
cygwin-doc              1.4-3              OK
diffutils               2.8.7-1            OK
editrights              1.01-1             OK
expat                   1.95.8-1           OK
file                    4.16-1             OK
fileutils               4.1-3              OK
findutils               4.2.27-1           OK
gawk                    3.1.5-3            OK
gcc                     3.4.4-1            OK
gcc-core                3.4.4-1            OK
gcc-g++                 3.4.4-1            OK
gcc-mingw               20040810-1         OK
gcc-mingw-core          20050522-1         OK
gcc-mingw-g++           20050522-1         OK
gdbm                    1.8.3-7            OK
gettext                 0.14.5-1           OK
glib2                   2.6.6-2            OK
glib2-runtime           2.6.6-2            OK
grep                    2.5.1a-2           OK
groff                   1.18.1-2           OK
gzip                    1.3.5-1            OK
less                    381-1              OK
libbz2_1                1.0.3-1            OK
libcharset1             1.9.2-2            OK
libdb4.2                4.2.52-1           OK
libdb4.3                4.3.28-1           OK
libfreetype26           2.1.9-1            OK
libgdbm                 1.8.0-5            OK
libgdbm-devel           1.8.3-7            OK
libgdbm3                1.8.3-3            OK
libgdbm4                1.8.3-7            OK
libgettextpo0           0.14.5-1           OK
libiconv                1.9.2-2            OK
libiconv2               1.9.2-2            OK
libintl                 0.10.38-3          OK
libintl1                0.10.40-1          OK
libintl2                0.12.1-3           OK
libintl3                0.14.5-1           OK
libjpeg62               6b-11              OK
libncurses-devel        5.5-2              OK
libncurses5             5.2-1              OK
libncurses6             5.2-8              OK
libncurses7             5.3-4              OK
libncurses8             5.5-2              OK
libpcre                 4.1-2              OK
libpcre0                6.3-1              OK
libpng12                1.2.8-2            OK
libpopt0                1.6.4-4            OK
libreadline4            4.1-2              OK
libreadline5            4.3-5              OK
libreadline6            5.1-5              OK
libtiff4                3.6.0-5            OK
libxml2                 2.6.22-1           OK
login                   1.9-7              OK
lynx                    2.8.5-4            OK
m4                      1.4.4-1            OK
make                    3.80-1             OK
man                     1.5p-1             OK
mingw-runtime           3.9-2              OK
minires                 1.00-1             OK
mktemp                  1.5-3              OK
ncftp                   3.1.7-1            OK
ncurses                 5.5-2              OK
openssh                 4.3p2-2            OK
openssl                 0.9.8a-1           OK
openssl-devel           0.9.8a-1           OK
openssl096              0.9.6j-1           OK
openssl097              0.9.7i-1           OK
patch                   2.5.8-8            OK
patchutils              0.2.31-1           OK
pcre                    6.3-1              OK
pcre-devel              6.3-1              OK
pcre-doc                6.3-1              OK
perl                    5.8.7-5            OK
perl-ExtUtils-Depends   0.205-1            OK
perl-ExtUtils-PkgConfig 1.07-1             OK
perl-libwin32           0.26-1             OK
perl_manpages           5.8.7-5            OK
ping                    1.0-1              OK
pkg-config              0.20-1             OK
pkgconfig               0.17.2-3           OK
popt                    1.6.4-4            OK
procps                  3.2.5-1            OK
rcs                     5.7-3              OK
readline                5.1-5              OK
rebase                  2.4.2-1            OK
rpm                     4.1-2              OK
rsync                   2.6.6-1            OK
run                     1.1.7-1            Incomplete
sed                     4.1.5-1            OK
sh-utils                2.0.15-5           OK
sharutils               4.5.3-1            OK
shutdown                1.7-1              OK
tar                     1.15.1-4           OK
tcltk                   20030901-1         OK
tcp_wrappers            7.6-1              OK
tcsh                    6.14.00-5          OK
termcap                 20050421-1         OK
terminfo                5.5_20060323-1     OK
texinfo                 4.8-1              OK
textutils               2.0.21-2           OK
time                    1.7-1              OK
unzip                   5.50-5             OK
vim                     6.4-4              OK
w32api                  3.6-1              OK
wget                    1.10.2-1           OK
which                   1.7-1              OK
zip                     2.3-6              OK
zlib                    1.2.3-1            OK
----- Original Message ----- From: "Dave Korn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On 26 April 2006 17:01, Corinna Vinschen wrote:

On Apr 26 11:51, Peter Keitler wrote:
For the script to run, a sshd has to started on the local machine and
the user name has to be adapted within the script. Could some of you
please run the script twice (the error only occurs when the files
already exist on the client side) in order to see if the script also
hangs? [...] #!/bin/bash

RSYNC_PARAMS="--recursive --progress"

# Create large amount of files on the server
mkdir ~/testdir_clnt
ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] 'mkdir -p ~/testdir_srv; for
((i=0;i<300;i++)) ; do dd if=/dev/random of=~/testdir_srv/file${i}.lst
bs=1 count=5000; done' # Sync files to client rsync -vvvvvvvvvv $RSYNC_PARAMS [EMAIL PROTECTED]:testdir_srv/* ~/testdir_clnt/

I just tried it a couple of times.  http://cygwin.com/acronyms/#WJFFM

 Doesn't even run once for me.  Creating all the files over ssh works fine
but the rsync invocation fails with

(Client) Protocol versions: remote=1919251285, negotiated=29
protocol version mismatch -- is your shell clean?
(see the rsync man page for an explanation)

 Is there something I need to do to make your testcase work?  (By 'work', of
course, I mean 'break'!)

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