On 28 April 2006 14:35, Lloyd Wood wrote:

> __CYGWIN__ is still valid under gcc version 3.4.4 (cygming special),
> as this test shows:

  You really need to read some manuals, as you wouldn't have to do things like
this if you had read about the -dM option.  (You also wouldn't have led
yourself up the garden path about mingw if you had read about -mno-cygwin).

 gcc -dM -E - < /dev/null

> (Why #define says __CYGWIN__ and gcc -v says something else is
> silly.) 

  No it isn't.  Your assumption that the two have to be in some way related is
silly.  As is attempting to parse the output from "gcc -v" to detect a given
target rather than using one of the predefined macros, which is what they are
for and how it is supposed to be done.  The output from "gcc -v" is for
*humans* to read, and version strings are allowed to have free-format text and
no guarantees are provided regarding the content or formatting of that text or
how it may or may not change in the future.

>I suspect something has changed affecting the CYGWIN test in glob.c

  First you said that __CYGWIN__ is still valid.  Then you think that
something has changed affecting the '#ifdef __CYGWIN__' test in glob.c.  Since
you acknowledge that __CYGWIN__ is still valid, presumably you believe that
#ifdef has been changed to only succeed if a symbol is not defined?

  Now, if you stop posting random guesses and uninformed speculation and try
and tell us what the actual *problem* is, perhaps we can answer some questions
for you about the recent changes to d_ino under cygwin?

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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