Hi Larry,

Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
On 04/26/2006, Volker Quetschke wrote:

1. It only hangs from rxvt. (Invoked with shortlink from desktop to:
C:\cygwin\bin\rxvt.exe -cr green -sl 1000 -tn linux -e /usr/bin/bash --login -i) I guess the actual switches don't matter. Startting the following example from the bash that is started from the cygwin icon (cygwin.bat) didn't show the problem so far.

Will it reproduce from bash in a command prompt if you set 'tty' in your
CYGWIN environment variable first?

I tried that already yesterday but didn't report back. No, even after
several hours running in a bash from from a comand prompt with CYGWIN=tty
set before starting bash I cannot reproduce that starnge hang.


P.S.: I'm actually not very interested in this 4nt hang, but I wonder if the
original problem is also related to the pipe problem
but I don't know if redirecting output with dup() also triggers
the pipe problem. That is at least where the hang in the OOo build seems
to occur. A process started posix_spawnp() or execvp() with it's output
redirected seems to hang sometimes.

P.P.S: I'd like to verify my theory, but it only hangs for other people
and works fine here.

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