Reading through old mailing list postings, I notice
quite a few other people occasionally get this
problem, but I haven't found any advice except to
change mirrors - on the rare occasions anyone thinks
they found a way round it - and as my attempts to do
this lately involve a lot of failures to conect,
followed by attempts which fill setup.log and
setup.log.full with a lot of lines like

2006/04/30 14:18:05 io_stream_cygfile: fopen failed 2
No such file or directory

I'd welcome some advice on mirrors that people know
work OK and on whether I should try something other
than Direct Connection.

The problem came to light after I'd used
as my mirror, when my attempts to "Install from Local
Directory" on another machine failed due to URLScheme
Not Registered. Judging by the contents of setup.log,
this will also occur if I try to install what I've
just downloaded from Plus, one of
the mirrors I've never been able to connect to is the
one in the UK.

The version of setup I've been using is 2.510.2.2. As
setup.log and .log.full are about 600K each in size,
you'll understand why I haven't attached them.

Finally, this is what the error dialog looks like,
although the problems clearly occur at the download
stage rather than the install stage:

Cygwin Setup           X
Fatal Error: Uncaught Exception
Thread: install
Type: St16invalid_argument
Message: URLScheme not registered!


On one of my various attempts to install the updates
I'd downloaded, I ran into one of those "setup.exe has
performed an illegal operation and will be shut down"
dialogs after pressing OK.

Hoping someone can help,

James McLaughlin.

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