One thing about this 4-27 snap, and I noticed it with 4-03 as well (which I
reverted from a while ago) is that disk i/o appears to be ridiculously slow
in comparison to 1.5.19. In rough estimation, I'd have to say a 50% reduction
in I/O throughput. I notice it while working with mass updating of files and
builds. Is there any form of profiling, etc. enabled in the snap builds? As
even if there were zero optimization, it wouldn't be this noticably slow.


On Mon, May 08, 2006 at 03:46:04AM -0700, Brian Dessent wrote:
> I expect that after 1.5.20 is out the door an updated gdb binary package
> will happen, and hopefully at that point it will be a lot easier to say
> "use the new version, see the release announcement" compared to "build
> it yourself from CVS".
> Brian

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