Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
Andrew DeFaria wrote:
Andrew DeFaria wrote:
/etc/passwd and /etc/group are symlinks to a shared and up to date copy of the output of mkpasswd/mkgroup. That's not the issue. As I understand it, for sshd (or in.rlogind) to "switch user" it needs special privileges. Indeed the documentation alludes to that. And until I added those permissions to the sshd_server user ssh/rsh would not work at all. (rsh, started from inetd that is as inetd was also logging on as the sshd_server user). Still, while rsh works, ssh refuses to work citing the error message above in /var/log/sshd.log. IOW I can rsh <server> and get in. I can also rsh <server> <command> and have <command> run on <server> (provided /etc/passwd on <server> has a blank password for the user). However I cannot ssh <server>. When I do so it prompts for the password then abruptly logs out with the only clue left in <server>:/var/log/sshd.log.
A little more info. rsh <server> works. rsh <server> <command> hangs!

sons-clearcase:rsh sons-sc-cc
No directory /us/adefaria!
Logging in with home = "/".
Last login: Wed May 10 20:31:46 from
CYGWIN_NT-5.2 SONS-SC-CC 1.5.19(0.150/4/2) 2006-01-20 13:28 i686 Cygwin
WARNING: HOME directory did not exist! Logging in with HOME = /tmp

$ logout
rlogin: connection closed.
sons-clearcase:rsh sons-sc-cc id

This is very frustrating because my client relies on a command I wrote called "smake" which essentially boils down to: "rsh <server> -n cd <directory> && make" that is intended to perform the make on <server>. As you can see it relies on rsh, passwordless login to <server> executing a command. But with this new 2003 server rsh <server> <command> hangs!

Are you sure you're not getting caught by the Windows rsh?

$ which rsh
$ rsh --help
Usage: rsh [-nd] [-l USER] [EMAIL PROTECTED] [COMMAND [ARG...]]
Execute COMMAND on remote system HOST

 -d, --debug                Turn on socket debugging
 -l USER, --user=USER       Run as USER on the remote system
 -n, --no-input             Use /dev/null as input
     --help                 Give this help list
 -V, --version              Print program version

Submit bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
$ rsh sons-sc-cc id

I have seen in.rshd.exe.stackdump's but I forget where... Could this likewise be caused by that failure to load ws2_32.dll?
If bankers can count, how come they have eight windows and only four tellers?

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