Hi Igor,

Thanks for your reply and sorry for noting knowing the policy of PPIOSPE :-)
Have a nice day.


Hi, Joy,

<http://cygwin.com/acronyms/#PPIOSPE>.  It is usually a bad idea to send
email to random Cygwin mailing list participants, rather than asking on
the Cygwin mailing list.  I'm redirecting this reply to the appropriate

On Sat, 13 May 2006, Joy wrote:

Hi Igor,

I had the problem with Cygwin+CVS+SSH when trying to access the remote CVS
repository via SSH, CVS reports that:
cannot mkdir /tmp/cvs-serv1992/.
No such file or directory

My CVS setup worked fine until I updated my CVS yesterday. I didn't realize
the problem was caused by the trailing dot till I saw your post:

Your problem was most likely caused by updating Cygwin, rather than CVS.

Do you know whether there is a solution to this now?

Yes, Cygwin's mkdir/rmdir returned an error code that CVS didn't know to
ignore.  This was fixed in the Cygwin snapshots (and will be fixed in the
next released version).  For now, you can try a snapshot from

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