Hi Dave,

Thank you for the suggestion.  Correct me if I'm wrong but I
take it that that would be the stuff in cygwin.disk?

I should clarify.  I have no problem with loading new versions of
things, what I was after was a way of priming setup with the list of
names at the "Select packages" step.

I could accomplish the same thing by writing my current config on
a piece of paper and just check off the names at the new machine
but that seems so labourious.

The file I'm looking for wouldn't happen to be setup.ini by any
chance would it.  You could get that on a floopy.  :-)

Thank again.


> From: "Dave Korn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On 16 May 2006 09:20, Jim Easton wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Would someone please tell me what file(s) I would have to take with
> > me (eg. on a disk) to someone else's machine, both running windows XP,
> > whereby I could get setup to download the same cygwin components that
> > are on my machine?
>   How about the local package cache dir?  That'd do nicely, then you just run
> setup.exe on the new machine and tell it to install from local directory, and
> point it there.  I believe this is in the FAQ somewhere but don't have a
> reference to hand.
>     cheers,
>       DaveK

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