I'm taking the risk of conflating several different
issues into one.  On the other hand, this might be a
useful synthesis to help us bottom out on "fork
problems" so that we can turn a snapshot into a stable

I've been trying to figure out strace incantations.
Hopefully someone more wizardly can help?  Is strace
the best/only attack vector on this?

In [2] Torfinn Ottesen wrote:
> I find that my loops are OK until after about 80
> cases, each loop increases my memory usage by about
> 3.2 MB
> I am aware of the following information:
> I have strace but do not know what to do with it 

I wonder if some strace like [6] would help?

Perhaps someone could suggest a helpful "cheatsheet"
what we might want to focus on in strace output of
these processes?

If it would be helpful to run strace against the
processes in the weather.sh fork example[7]
, or in the nonsense testcase example[8]
...what should the command line be, and what would we
be looking for in output?

In [2], Larry Hall wrote:
> Sounds to me like the situation you found closely
> mirrors the behavior the MS KB article describes.
> I think it's worthwhile for you to experiment
> with the workaround proposed to see if it helps.
> It would be beneficial if you reported any results
> you saw back to this list.

Torfinn, any luck on SharedSection parameter tweaking
per the MS KB?


[1] 2006-05/msg00402.html
[2] 2006-05/msg00127.html
[3] 2006-04/msg00390.html
[4] 2005-09/msg00945.html
[5] http://support.microsoft.com/kb/824422
[6] 2006-05/msg00364.html
[7] 2006-04/msg00718.html
[8] 2006-05/msg00422.html

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