On Sun, May 28, 2006 at 02:19:02PM +0100, Valster Nico-anv009 wrote:
> I'm working on a bash script to automate the build process. The script
> calls, depending on the parameters the Microsoft VC6 compiler and/or the
> GreenHills compiler and/or the Cygwin GCC for one or more
> project/makefiles. 
> If I invoke the script like:
>     c:/bat/sbuild ......
> things work pretty well. However if I invoke it as
>     cd /cygdrive/d/CCase/anv009_SPRINT_8/SPRINT_VOB/SPRINT;c:/bat/sbuild
> .....

Is it possible you forgot to add the new line escape characther?
     cd /cygdrive/d/CCase/anv009_SPRINT_8/SPRINT_VOB/SPRINT;c:/bat/sbuild \

Bob Rossi

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