Dan wrote:
> I have already installed cygwin on my windowsxp machine.  I am lacking the 
> files "dc.exe",
> "file.exe" and others which are supposed to reside in /bin if you are trying 
> to install
> GODI (used for Ocaml compiler).  I would like to install these .exe files and 
> have
> (unsuccessfully) searched cygwin.com site to see if they are mentioned 
> anywhere.
> I also ran setup again to see if they are referenced anywhere.  Until I get 
> them,
> I cannot install GODI.  If anybody knows what I should do, I would greatly 
> appreciate
> you letting me know.

Use the package search utility on the Cygwin home page to find which packages 
you need, and
then run setup again, and select those packages.

-- Cliff

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