>From message http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2006-06/msg00534.html:

> Dave, I think you missed this:
>>sciguy wrote:
>>>I am networked to a Linux machine, so I moved the tar file
>>>cygwin-inst-20060614.tar.bz2 over to the Linux machine, created a dummy
>>>cygwin directory to hold the file, and un-tarred it there using this
>>>% /bin/tar -jxvf cygwin-inst-20060614.tar.bz2
>>>Then I ftp'd the entire un-tarred file and directory structure over the
>>>cygwin directory of the affected Windows PC.
>This is why I kept mentioning that the snapshot cygwin DLL wasn't
>installed in the right location.  I correctly assumed that this step did
>not put the cygwin DLL (or any of the cygwin programs) in c:\cygwin\bin.
>The cygcheck output made this pretty clear.

Yes, when I untarred the file with "/bin/tar -jxvf
cygwin-inst-20060614.tar.bz2," I found it contained only these two top-level
directories:  /etc and /usr.  It did not contain a /bin directory.


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