
I run some linux scripts I used from time to time now under cygwin,
So I found a problem that has never been appeared under Linux.

The scripts I use are included.
Difftest.sh is the script that will be started by the user.
It will first update some repositories and then run "finds" over them to
Compress subversion/cvs keywords within ascii files.
After this diff will be run.

The problem is now that some (of thousands) files will produce the following 
error message:

Mv: cannot create regular file '/filename/': Permission denied

Interesting now is that the mentioned file has been removed!

So what I am assuming is, that during the mv the destination file has been 
removed, but then mv can not move over the temporary file created by sed - for 
unknown reasons.
So it might be a timing problem, or that sed has not closed the temp file 
The subversion thing is not required - also the diff could be removed from the 
file. For testing you need a larger number of files.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen / With Kind Regards

Dipl.-Inform. Kai Hofmann

inconso AG
Dieselstraße 1-7
61231 Bad Nauheim

Tel. : +49 (0)6032/348-2413
Fax  : +49 (0)6032/348-100
WWW  : http://www.inconso.de/

Attachment: cygcheck.out
Description: cygcheck.out

Attachment: convkeyw.sed
Description: convkeyw.sed

Attachment: difftest.sh
Description: difftest.sh

Attachment: convkeyw.sh
Description: convkeyw.sh

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