I've made a new version of the gdb debugger available for installation.
This version is a refresh from the CVS repository on sourceware.org.
The package also contains the "insight" graphical debugger.

This version fixes the problem of extraneous SIGSEGV's that were
generated by certain functions in the cygwin DLL.  It should no longer
be necessary to continue past these errors since they should now be
silently ignored.

I had delayed releasing this version of gdb because I was getting
sporadic "invalid handle" errors in some situations when attempting to
restart a program within gdb.  However, since I can't easily duplicate
the problem, I thought that it would probably be a good idea to release
gdb even with a known bug -- given the number of complaints about the
SIGSEGV's seen in the cygwin mailing list.

Unlike most cygwin packages, my preference is that bug reports for the
insight debugger, and the tcl/tck packages that insight relies on,
should go to the insight mailing list at sourceware.org (the host of the
cygwin list and cygwin web site).  If you do send a problem relating to
those packages to the cygwin mailing list, expect to be redirected

Remember that to start the insight debugger, you type "insight".  Typing
"gdb" just brings up the command line debugger.


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