(Sorry, I'm not subscribed to the mailing list,
so I am answering my own mail).


I'm not a cygwin expert and rather use Linux at home and
elsewhere, so I don't know why on cygwin /usr/bin is the
same as /bin and /usr/lib the same as /lib, but I do not
really care.

Anyway, /usr/bin/tcsh, /bin/csh and /usr/bin/csh point to
the same executable, namely /bin/tcsh.exe:

% ls -l /bin/*csh.exe /usr/bin/*csh.exe
lrwxrwxrwx  1 hanlauf mkgroup-l-d      8 Aug  3  2005 /bin/csh.exe -> tcsh.exe
-rwxrwx---+ 1 hanlauf mkgroup-l-d 301056 Aug  2  2005 /bin/tcsh.exe
lrwxrwxrwx  1 hanlauf mkgroup-l-d      8 Aug  3  2005 /usr/bin/csh.exe -> 
-rwxrwx---+ 1 hanlauf mkgroup-l-d 301056 Aug  2  2005 /usr/bin/tcsh.exe

It really does not matter whether I say

% ./cygwin-csh-bug
% csh ./cygwin-csh-bug
% tcsh ./cygwin-csh-bug

And running
% bash ./cygwin-csh-bug
% ksh ./cygwin-csh-bug
works as expected.

It's only (t)csh

Trust me.

Furthermore, it works after "upgrade" to cygwin1.dll-1.5.20-1
which has the other problems.


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