On 11 July 2006 09:38, Jim Easton wrote:

> If I cd to:
> /cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/jim/Local Settings/Temporary Internet
> Files ls shows:
> Content.IE5  Content.MSO  desktop.ini

  Try "ls -R" instead!

> Whereas if I go to the same directory via. windows it show hundreds of
> files, not including "Content.IE5", but most of which (not all) can be found
> somewhere in the directory "Content.IE5" via. cygwin.

  Windows explorer collapses all those subdirs beneath Content.IE5 which
contain all IE's cached files when it displays the "Temporary Internet Files"
window.  (This is governed by the desktop.ini file, when windows sees there's
a file in there called desktop.ini with system and hidden attributes it looks
inside for the GUID of a shell extension object to invoke to display the
directory.  You can move it or rename it and explorer will then show the dir
as a regular directory.)

> Being a long time unix user I tentatively conclude that the windows
> rendering of "Temporary Internet Files" is not actually the same as
> the one accessed via. cygwin, even though their paths appear to be
> the same.  So I wonder if cygwin can access the actual windows
> directory.

  Cygwin does access the /real/ directory structure; windoze explorer presents
you with a tarted-up summary view.

> Also where does "windows explorer" store it's "suggested URLS"
> in the address bar.  ie.  the possible matching urls it puts up
> when you are typing in a url.  I sure can't find it.

  This is soo not a cygwin question, so I'll be brief: google 'UserAssist
registry' and you should get on the right track.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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