Dave Korn wrote:
On 25 July 2006 08:48, Krzysztof Duleba wrote:

When I try to run python in Windows shell, it hangs. Even the simplest test
like python -c 'print "foo"' will result in ntvdm process taking 100% CPU.
I tried it with 1.5.19 and 1.5.17 and got the same result.

When I strace python, I get a bit surprising output:

D:\cygwin\home\Krzysiek>strace python
--- Process 52048, exception 40000005 at 7C81EB33
--- Process 52048, exception 40000005 at 7C81EB33
--- Process 52048, exception 40000005 at 7C81EB33

I might go out on a limb here, but I got similar responses from
xmgrace until I did a "rebaseall". That fixed it.

  ;-) Take a look at the output from

file `which python`

Might also be a broken python executable ...


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