I have a program that uses libplot which I'm trying to use in the Cygwin envir.
The program is supposed to spit out postscript code, but it actually outputs
nothing.  It outputs no postscript, and the (f)printf statements don't do 

The program was originally built under linux and it works fine there.  I've
also ported a bunch of other (simple) programs from linux to cygwin with no
problems.  I suspect my cygwin is missing some runtime module because if I 
take my problem program and cripple it by removing all the libplot calls it
then works.

My question: What does libplot require of the cygwin environment in order to
work?  Does it require X Windows?  Does X Windows have to be running?  Note
that I'm not using libplot to do any X stuff only postscript.

Any help would be appreciated.


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