Christopher Faylor wrote on Wednesday, July 26, 2006 6:26 PM:

> On Wed, Jul 26, 2006 at 10:12:51AM -0600, Michael Hirsch wrote:
>>> Yes. See
> <>.
>>> If you are using a POSIX-like "OS" (i.e. Cygwin), you should be
>>> using POSIX paths. That's not an inconvenience, that's called
>>> writing a bad makefile. If you aren't using Cygwin for the POSIX
>>> environment, you should be using MinGW.
>> I see.  Unfortunately, I am trying to use cygwin to make my life
>> easier on Windows, but I am still constrained to use windows
>> programs. Many of them cannot use the cygwin paths, but require a
>> path like "c:/my/path.exe".  It will be very difficult to switch
>> back and forth between path representations.  I guess I do need to
>> look into MinGW. 
> Maybe someone here would be willing to post a sed transformation which
> would change c:\some\dos\path to /cygdrive/c/some/dos/path.

I already send a pointer in this thread to a mail I sent some years ago. The 
make functions aare still valid and makes paths transparent for make files 
working on Cygwin or otgher Unix environments.


- Jörg

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