Sorry for the delay on this response...

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It seems that Cygwin is having issue with W2k3 Active Directory
groups/users.  Over the last few days, several of my colleges and I
have tested this on a few W2k3 servers and found the same result.  We
are now setting up a W2k3 station as a stand-alone box... no active
directory (DC) components, no membership with any domain.  I'll follow
with the results of this test at a later time.

To answer your question...
Can a non-domain user connect?  Sounds to me like this is a permissions
issue.  Have you checked that Cygwin thinks the user has access to his/her
home directory, etc?

No, authentication process fails.  Event log stated invalid password.
Complete file system set to allow everyone access, NO security.
Permissions also verified through the Cywgin command to view rights.

Has anyone been able to successfully login as a domain user?  If so,
what was the process that lead to this ability?

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