is there any "offical" solution to mount network drives?
i'm confused about several messages i found in the lists and google

so, i can do with only one "but":

i can mount networkdrives local or remote when _not_ using public key
authentication! :-(

1) ssh login without privat/public key
2) bash> net use driveletter: \\\\host\\sambasharename /USER:smbuser smbpass
  eg.: "net use s: \\\\\\share /USER:share pass"
if remote login is the same as for the samba login this must be fine:
 "net use s: \\\\\\share"
3) bash>mount (and you have s: mounted)

but only for this ssh session! :-(
but this is ok for me :-)

question: when login remotly: where can i start a script to do this
automaticly ? .bashrc ?

kind regards

note: is there any ntp for cygwin list?

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