Paul Slootman writes:
On Wed 02 Aug 2006, Alan Chandler wrote:
The /etc/rsyncd.conf file has the following in it chroot = false strict modes = false hosts allow =
path = /cygdrive/c
comment = the complete c drive

path = /cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/ChandlerA
comment = Alan's specific user space
HOWEVER If I try to list the contents of either module from local host (thus) rsync localhost::system it works, but if I list the contents via
rsync rabbit::system
(either remotely or locally) then I get
@ERROR: access denied to system from roo.home (

Try putting the hosts allow line in the modules definition; the man page
does say:
    You may also include any module parameters in the global  part  of  the
    config  file in which case the supplied value will override the default
    for that parameter.
However maybe there's some bug :-)

Its a bit hard because I am at work rather than home, so not with the same IP addresses. Nevertheless I can simulate the effect by setting the work IP address in rsyncd.conf and connecting from the same machine.
Moving the hosts allow into the module does not effect things EXCEPT that
I didn't include localhost in my host allow statements, but that still works.

BTW: you don't mention what version you're using.

Its 2.6.6 (Protocol 29) under cygwin for the machine running the daemon I am using itself as one client (test above), and when at home I am running from Debian Sarge - which is 2.6.4 (Protocol 29). I DO now have a work around that works - ie list the individual IP addresses of the machines I want to allow to connect, rather than a range ie hosts allow = rather than hosts allow = The second form DOES seems to work on my other machines (all under linux as opposed to this machine using cygwin) AND I had the exact same configuration working on my old laptop (running Windows 2000 professional) which just stopped working when I got a new work laptop with Windows XP and I transfered the configuration across. When I first raised this I hadn't narrowed the problem down enough to find a work around - so I was looking for answers. Now I suspect some bug with the cygwin implementation, and I would just like to help out to see that it can get fixed if that is indeed the case, or understand what I am doing wrong if it is not.

Alan Chandler

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