alecswan schrieb:
I installed Cygwin on my desktop long time ago. So, now I have old versions
of different packages, such as PostgreSQL 7.3.4 set up on my desktop.

I am currently trying to set up my laptop and I want to have identical setup
to my desctop. Which mean that I want an old version of PG.

So, my question is how to install old versions of Cygwin on my laptop that
have old versions of Postgres on my laptop?

P.S. If somebody is interested why I need to install old versions of
PosgreSQL on my Windows machine, it's because PgAdmin2 (old versions, which
works with PostgreSQL 7.x) can import Access database, but not  PgAdmin3.

PostgreSQL 7.x is still as src in libpq3.
Install the src package for libpq3 and follow the instructions.

Unfortunately it's too much work for me to support parallel postgresql server versions as in debian.
Reini Urban

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